The post-acute and recovery stages of rehabilitation after a TBI include multiple types of care pathways, inpatient and outpatient settings, and rehabilitation interventions. The availability of these care services varies by state and can be further complicated by factors such as social, economic, and geographic circumstances (see Box 6-5). Veterans with TBI are often able to access comprehensive interdisciplinary inpatient rehabilitation through the VA Polytrauma System of Care. Civilians, on the other hand, can struggle to access appropriate services and care.
Services for Injury Recovery, occupational and speech-language pathologists, neuropsychologists and psychologists help to address the cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects of a TBI. Behavioral health specialists can address challenges like impulsivity and frustration that may be caused by the injury. Coma recovery programs may engage people in stimulating environments and encourage them to regain consciousness by encouraging eye movement, sound, and touch with their hands and other parts of the body.
Services for Injury Recovery: Personalized Care for Optimal Healing
A significant number of persons with TBI need long-term community-based support services (LTSS) upon discharge from health care settings. These support services can be provided through a variety of mechanisms, including the use of TBI waivers. When these services are combined with home and community-based care, they can facilitate successful transitions to the community (see Box 6-4).
It is possible to avoid injury by following the advice given to you by your doctor or physical therapist. It is also important to cultivate good injury prevention habits. This will ensure that you can enjoy your life and activities without the risk of suffering an injury.