TopVote Services is a social app where you can share your proud pictures, videos, stories and votes. Topvote is one of the first apps to take the idea of voting a step further by making it a core part of the whole app.

Our election services allow you to customize your elections, streamline administration and engage voters like never before. With a range of options and flexible pricing, we have the right solution for you.

TopVote Services: Boost Your Online Engagement and Reach

Pricing is based on an organization size of 1 – 5,000 members. Discounted pricing available for smaller organizations.

The Pledge to Vote tool enables users to pledge to vote, a proven strategy for increasing the likelihood of actually voting. Once a pledge is made, users are automatically enrolled in Rock the Vote’s election reminders program and receive timely, localized election information via email and/or SMS that helps them navigate the entire election process including voter registration, absentee ballot requests and voting by mail.

Detailed election reporting is provided after every polling day. Results include raw ballots as well as a fully explained breakdown of each step of the count (based on the voting method used) and interactive graphics to allow users to easily understand the data.

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